Welcome to Caltrop Press

Caltrop Press assists newer or small-niche authors of books, audio or video works and training programs in bringing their creations to market, using the leveling capabilities of the internet.

Your job is to have the idea and articulate it; ours is to help you turn it into a product that can sell, and help you sell it.  We’ll help you clean up the writing, put the product together, and get it out to the market.

Our genres:

  • Business and management
  • History (including militaria)
  • Travel or foreign experiences
  • Any other work that captivates our editors enough that they want to work on it

One thing that may be important for you to understand if you are a new writer: you do not need an agent to work with us. We are unlikely to engage in much negotiation on the terms, given the likely low volumes, and those same low volumes will not likely support paying the agent what they would consider a reasonable fee out of your share of the royalties.  But if you want to use one, that’s up to you.

Promises, Promises

Rags to riches?  We can’t promise you that.  Most information products just don’t sell very many copies, and we don’t want you to think that just because you get someone (us) to help publish your masterpiece that its future is assured.

  • Our contract is written such that the better you do, the better we do. It’s in our interest to help you as much as possible.
  • Anyone who does try to tell you that they’ll be making you rich by publishing your work is just taking advantage of your enthusiasm.

What we can promise is that we’ll never just go through the motions in order to get your product out the door.  We don’t take anything on unless we find it interesting enough to be worth spending many hours helping you make it better and getting it out to as many people as possible. That validates that you have at least one great fan of the work!

If you’re serious about getting your work to market and want some help, take a look around to see what we can (and won’t) do, then use the “For Authors” menu to contact us with your suggestion, proposal, manuscript, or product.